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Category Archive:   Comics

1 of 48 “Sketch Cards” I did for the Official Walking Dead trading card set. Basically, I did 48 original pieces of art. They are inserted into random packs of cards, and if yr lucky, you’ll get one.

For those who missed it, new “When the Chickens Revolt” comic was posted this morning. It just gets weirder and weirder. Easiest way to keep up is Twitter – @chickensrevolt

Better late than never. Brand new, page 13 for “When the Chickens Revolt”, the collaborative webcomic between myself and Sam Kieth. We had a bit of a delay because of reasons that would bore you to death, but the point is, we’re back and you can expect new pages posted every Monday. Word.

WIP: After a far too long hiatus, chickensREVOLT is back! A little taste of the new strip going live on Monday.

I was invited to talk comics to Barron Storey’s Sequential Art Class at CCA earlier this week. Always an honor and pleasure. I’m gave the students a sneak peek at my current project which I should be wrapping up in the next day or so.