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Archive for 2014


My new print in collaboration with the fine folks at Zerofriends.  It will be released in limited quantities tonight (May29th, 9pm PST).

A “regular” edition (limited to 50) and an “ultra-limited hand-embellished” edition (limited to only 10!), both go on sale at the same time.  My last print sold out in a matter of hours.

The “ultra-limited hand-embellished” prints are each unique, one of a kind pieces.  I put a lot of blood and sweat into this piece, and I appreciate all of the support and love I get from you all.  Thank you.


More “Work in Progress”. This will all make sense later… I hope…

A little “work in progress” shot of something I’m working on for next week. In other news, my cat is not a fan of surf guitar music.

For those interested, here’s a detail of that SQUIDDER cover I posted the other day.

Alternate cover for Ben Templesmith’s “SQUIDDER”. This should be for issue 4, out later this year. It’s full of all that Templesmith nuttiness that we all know and love.